Portulaca Variegated Batik Pink Hanging

  • $12.80

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Ex Tax: $12.80

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: PLANT-PRP00070

Tags:  Hanging BasketOrnamental FlowersOutdoor

Fact Sheet and Plant Guide

Scientific Name: 

Portulaca oleracea variagata 'Batik'


Variegated species of Portulaca have mixture of pink and green colour at its leaves. It produces vividly pink colour flowers.

Portulacas only open in bright sunlight, and do not open under overcast skies or at night.

It is a low-growing annual plant that is popular as an ornamental ground cover.

These plants are drought-tolerant and are conversely very susceptible to damage from over-watering.

Grow in well-drained soil, do not over-water the plant. They require bright direct sunlight in order to thrive and flower.

Pot dimension:  

Ø15cm x H11cm (Hanging)

Overall Plant Height:

10-15cm cascading (Approx.) Included grower pot


Full sun, partial sun.


Check regularly and water as needed.

Water thoroughly when the soil turns slightly dry to touch. Always discard excess water.

Allow soil to dry out slightly before watering.


Fertilize with all-purpose fertilizer once a month to encourage growth and flowering.


Gently trim away dry, brown, or yellowish leaves by using a pair of secateurs.

Trimming allows available nutrients in the soil to be transferred into the new leaves which encourage intentional growth.

Also, trimming allows your plants to retain in a good shape and keep pests, fungal and diseases away.


*Photo for illustration only. Actual product may vary due to the nature of the product. 

*Pot color and size, colour of flowers may vary and change Subject to Availability.


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