Morning Glory

  • $18.00

Experience the enchanting beauty of Morning Glory flowers. These vibrant and colorful blooms open in the morning, filling your garden with a delightful fragrance and attracting butterflies. Perfect for trellises, fences, or containers, Morning Glory adds

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Ex Tax: $18.00

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: PLANT-PR00205

Tags:  Trailing Plants

Fact Sheet and Plant Guide

Scientific Name: 

Ipomoea purpurea

Common Name:

Morning Glory


Morning glory aka the heavenly blue is very easy to grow in tropical country.

This climber has trumpet-shaped flowers of purple-blue that bloom in the morning.

Grow annuals in a sunny, sheltered site. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil. Mulch to retain moisture and avoid weeds.

Support this climber with structures like trellises, pergolas, or arches.

Their big, fragrant, colorful flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Pot dimension:  

Ø17m x H11cm

Overall Plant Length:

20-35cm (Approx.)


Full Sun 


Water thoroughly when the potting soil turns slightly dry to touch.

Never let the soil dry out completely.


Fertilize with growth and flowerring fertilizer once a month to provide essential nutrients for plant growth.


Gently trim away dry, brown, or yellowish leaves by using a pair of secateurs.

Trimming allows available nutrients in the soil to be transferred into the new leaves which encourages intentional growth.

Also, trimming allows your plants to retain in a good shape and keep pests, fungal and diseases away.

*Photo for illustration only. Actual product may vary due to the nature of the product. 

*Pot color and size may vary and change Subject to Availability.


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