Coleus Rainbow Mix 彩叶草 Seeds By HORTI

  • $2.55

Botanical Name: Coleus blumei

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Ex Tax: $2.55

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: HORTI-060

It’s multi-coloured and unusually shaped leaves make a very brilliant display in your garden, pots, verandas or in indoors.

Be sure to sow the seed very thinly in seed trays or pots. Lightly cover them with about 1mm of seed raising mixture and keep the soil moist with a fine spray of water. Transplant carefully when the plants are grown 5 cm high. Be sure to apply Horti Foliar Fertilizer fortnightly to promote larger leaves and intensify its colours.

HINT: Pinch out the growing point to encourage bushiness and pinch cut flower buds to prolong leaf growth.

Botanical Name: Coleus blumei

Disclaimer: Based on feedback from our customers, the potency of the seeds from Singapore Horti-Flora are up to 90%. 

We give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to productiveness of any seeds we sell.


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