Physan 20 Fungicide 473ml
- $39.00
Physan20 ∙ Disinfectant ∙ Sanitizer ∙ Deodorizer ∙ Fungicide ∙ Algaecide ∙ Virucide
(16oz ≈ 473ml) Concentrate
• A broad-spectrum fungicide, that absorbed by plant cells, translocated, and circulated via the xylem vessels through the plant system.
• An effective fungicide, virucide and algaecide to control and eliminate a wide varieties of pathogens and microorganisms.
• Used for orchids, fountains and ornamentals plants.
• Spray on seedlings, flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns to eradicate algae, mildew.
• Controls the growth of algae on water fountains, pools, non-fish ponds (toxic to fish) and birdbaths.
• Used as a general disinfectant for gardening tools, benches, planter trays, contaminated pots and soil.
• Used to treat orchid pathogen.
• Biodegradable
Active Ingredients: |
% |
n-alkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12, 5% C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium
chloride |
10% |
2-alkyl (68% C12, 32% C14) dimethyl ethybenzyl ammonium chloride |
10% |
Inert ingredient |
80% |
Examples of usage:
1/2 half a teaspoon of Physan20 diluted to 1 litre water during maintenance / prevention. (every 2 weeks once)
One teaspoon of Physan20 diluted to 1.5 litre water for treatment.
Spray or swab working surfaces before each work period, and again after each plant is completed to kill such diseases as Botrytis, Crown Rot, Downy Mildew, Root Rot, etc.
Use: 1 tablespoon PHYSAN 20 per gallon of water.
Used pots or flats should be brushed or washed first, then soaked in PHYSAN 20 solution for 10 minutes before using to kill such diseases as Crown Rot, Mildew, Root Rot and Rusts. Do not rinse.
Use: 1 tablespoon PHYSAN 20 per gallon of water.
Soak cutting edge of tool for 10 minutes in PHYSAN 20 solution before use to kill such diseases as Botrytis, Root Rot, Stem Rot, and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Use wet tool on plants. At the end of work, dry and oil tools.
Use: 1 teaspoon PHYSAN 20 per quart of water.
Cigarette smokers have tobacco mosaic virus on their hands. Dip hands in solution before handling plants or anything connected with the plants. It is a good idea to have a container of PHYSAN 20 solution always available as a hand dip. Allow to air dry.
Use: 1 Tablespoon PHYSAN 20 per gallon of water.
From flask: soak seedlings 2-5 minutes before potting to remove agar. Soak compost with PHYSAN 20 solution. Helps eliminate damp-off. Keep hands and tools damp with PHYSAN 20 solution. Damp-off: Spray seedlings once per month as preventative maintenance. Spray anytime disease is evident.
Use: 1-1/2 tsp. PHYSAN 20 per gallon of water.
Remove compost from plant, then soak plant for 2-5 minutes in PHYSAN 20 solution. Operate with wet hands and cutting tools. After division and root trim, soak divisions in PHYSAN 20 solution for 2-5 minutes. Pot in compost dampened with PHYSAN 20 solution.
USE: 1 Tablespoon PHYSAN 20 per gallon of water.
Greenhouse Glass: Spray or swab surfaces with PHYSAN 20 solution. Let stand for one hour or more or until the algae visibly begins to change to a lighter color. Wash off dead algae with water. Spray clean surfaces again with PHYSAN 20 solution.
Use: 1 teaspoon PHYSAN per gallon of water.
For heavy algae infestation, spray or swab with PHYSAN 20 solution. Let stand for an hour or more. Brush and wash away the dead algae. Soak area again with PHYSAN 20 solution. Do not rinse. This product will inhibit the growth of algae on walkways. Allow to dry on surface, and repeat application if algae growth returns.
Use: 1 Tablespoon PHYSAN per gallon of water.
For containers, tubes and decorative vases. Recommend flower spikes be hardened in PHYSAN 20 treated water during harvesting, storage and shipping.
USE: 1 teaspoon PHYSAN per 2 gallons of water.
ORCHIDS - CROWN ROT (Phalaenopsis)*
Spray plants weekly to assure solution getting around and in base of leaves.
USE: 1 teaspoon PHYSAN 20 per gallon of water.
During the last 2-3 minutes of watering, use PHYSAN 20 solution as a preventative program. Due to variations in growing conditions, use PHYSAN 20 every second to fourth watering. Will control algae in nozzles.
USE: 1 ounce PHYSAN to 20 gallons of water.