Sweet Basil Seeds by HORTI

  • $2.55

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

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Ex Tax: $2.55

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: HORTI-146

Basil is a favourite herb in Italian cooking.

Valued for its fresh green foliage and aromatic scent.

It gives small, pale flowers which contrast well with the leaves, which have a sweet clove-like flavour.

Harvesting:  Pick the fresh leaves as required, for drying or freezing pick them before the plant starts to flower.

Pinching out the tip of the main stem and remove flower buds will encourage bushy growth.

Use:  The leaves finely chopped to flavour salads, soups and omelettes. They are delicious with tomatoes.

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

Disclaimer: Based on feedback from our customers, the potency of the seeds from Singapore Horti-Flora are up to 90%. 

We give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to productiveness of any seeds we sell.


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